
Welcome to RealOldiesRadio.com. Why does this web site exist?

I enjoy playing around with classic audio equipment, audio restoration, recording, rebuilding classic equipment, and designing equipment that I use.  I also have another web site specifically for the technical aspects of amateur radio and communications.  Its address is https://hf-antenna.com.

I’ve been known to frequent yard sales, or musician’s closets for gear that has been abused. I’ll take it and make it like new again.  I focus on tape machines, consoles, audio processing, distribution, and tools for recording. This is a hobby and not a business, although at times it seems like a full time job. (Some think it’s an addiction.)

Automatic posting of comments are disabled because of spammers. Please read my site’s privacy policy.  I’m always happy to hear from other DIY folks.  If you send a message, please keep it brief and to the point, and make sure it doesn’t appear the least bit spammy. My spam filters are set very high.  My address is … fvobbe@realoldiesradio.com


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